M33 M78 B33, NGC2024 M27
NGC6960 NGC6992 NGC6946 NGC6914
NGC7635 NGC2261 NGC7293 IC405
NGC3372 NGC2237 NGC281 M81
Veil Nebula complex NGC7000 IC5070 NGC7000(gulf)
Sh2-155 Sh2-274 m31 Sh2-86
M76 Sh2-142 NGC7133 IC5146
NGC7023 IC2177 IC59, IC63 IC2162
VdB-14 IC1318 NGC1499 IC443
Abell426 M86 IC1805 NGC2359
NGC4490 Vela SNR Stephan's Quintet NGC2264
Original data for these color images were downloaded from the STScI Digitized Sky Survey as grayscale FITS images. The FITS images cover a maximum of 1.0°x1.0° with a pixel scale of either 1.0 or 1.7 arcseconds/pixel. Most of the color images presented here have been reduced to a pixel scale of around 3.5 arcseconds/pixel.
Registration of RGB channels, histogram and color processing performed using MaximDL/CCD and GIMP.

Copyright Notice
The "Second Epoch Survey" of the southern sky was made by the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO) with the UK Schmidt Telescope. Plates from this survey have been digitized and compressed by the ST ScI. The digitized images are copyright © 1993-5 by the Anglo-Australian Observatory Board, and are distributed herein by agreement.
The "Equatorial Red Atlas" of the southern sky was made with the UK Schmidt Telescope. Plates from this survey have been digitized and compressed by the ST ScI. The digitized images are copyright © 1992-5, jointly by the UK SERC/PPARC (Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, formerly Science and Engineering Research Council) and the Anglo-Australian Telescope Board, and are distributed herein by agreement.
The compressed files of the "Palomar Observatory - Space Telescope Science Institute Digital Sky Survey" of the northern sky, based on scans of the Second Palomar Sky Survey are copyright © 1993-1995 by the California Institute of Technology and are distributed herein by agreement.
All material not subject to one of the above copyright provisions is copyright © 1995 by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
Color Processing copyright 2004 by Mike Halderman.